
The world is made up of users, consumers who purchase goods and services, and very rarely does a company focus on creating a perfect user experience. Whether a restaurant, a consumer electronics company, an airline, or a software shop, most companies do not believe in providing a truly outstanding experience to their customers.

I’m a software designer by trade but an experience analyst by nature, and I’m fed up and not going to take it any more.

People today are using more and more technology, with small annoyances considered acceptable because software companies have raised the threshold of pain so high. Airlines have gone from competing on comfort to competing on price, with only a few small outfits willing to focus on the experience. Small wonder JetBlue gets press for its service innovations when most other outfits herd their consumer cattle onboard and declare bankruptcy due to falling fares.

This column is dedicated to pointing out small items that keep a user experience from being great. I may cover larger issues when appropriate (when I wander into ranting) but as companies like Apple and Palm have proven, the details can build or destroy a company. No one is exempt from scrutiny, and perhaps the toughest analysis will be reserved for companies or products that are great – and could be transcendent.

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and work in technology, so most of my examples will come from that arena. I anticipate posting weekly, though I will do so more often if I have enough material. If you have insights, please feel free to send them to me – you can guess my email with any reasonable attempt – and I will investigate and post based on them.

This is a voice, speaking for the user. Come and make our world a better place to live in.

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